Chum Creek Primary School is committed to child safety. We want children to be safe, happy and empowered.
The school aims to:
The school will:
The following frameworks and policy will be delivered by the school, working to complement their aims, intentions and requirements. School staff will be supported in their professional learning to ensure the observance and delivery of a Child Safe environment through frameworks and Policy. Curriculum documents and resources will be easily accessible to school staff.
Student Engagement and Well Being Policy: The school’s Student Engagement and Well Being Policy provides the basis on which it develops and maintains a safe, supportive and inclusive school environment. The policy articulates the expectations and aspirations of the school community in relation to student engagement, including strategies to address bullying, school attendance and behaviour. The Policy also references the Child Safe Statement of Commitment and the Child Safe Code of Conduct.
Victorian Curriculum: The relevant domains of the Victorian Curriculum will be provided as part of the mandated curriculum delivery.
Specifically to address the Child Safe Standard 7, the following will support children at Chum Creek Primary School to build resilience, healthy and respectful relationships (including sexuality) and to gain insight into appropriate behaviour and what is not, hence being empowered to feel safe and to be safe:
The Personal and Social Capability curriculum aims to develop knowledge, understandings and skills to enable students to:
Staff use a range of age appropriate programs and resources to promote child participation and empowerment including: Red Flag Secrets
Policy Reviewed 26-5-2021. Due to be reviewed May 2025